Bayesian grey-box identification of nonlinear convection effects in heat transfer dynamics
We propose a computational procedure for identifying convection in heat transfer dynamics based on a Gaussian process latent force model.
22 Aug 2024 10:30 — 11:00
Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom
Information-seeking polynomial NARX model-predictive control through free energy minimization
We propose an adaptive model-predictive controller that balances driving the system to a goal state and seeking system observations that are informative with respect to the parameters of a nonlinear autoregressive exogenous model.
12 Jul 2024 14:00 — 14:30
Toronto, Canada
Natural AI for control and mobile robotics
Natural AI is Artificial Intelligence based on physics principles. The Free Energy Principle allows for designing agents that learn in real-time, are low-power and are explainable. They are powered by Bayesian mechanics, updating beliefs over states of the world and actions as data streams in. At BIASlab and LazyDynamics, we have developed a toolbox for scalable automatic Bayesian inference called RxInfer.
15 Apr 2024 13:30 — 15:00
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Variational message passing for online Bayesian NARMAX identification
We propose a variational message passing inference algorithm for online system identification using polynomial NARMAX models. We show empirically that our variational Bayesian estimator outperforms an online recursive least-squares estimator, most notably in small sample size settings and low noise regimes, and performs on par with an iterative least-squares estimator trained offline.
9 Jun 2022 15:30 — 15:45
Atlanta, United States
Variational Bayes for signal processing
A talk for the Optimization / Machine Learning Competence group at Sioux Technologies. I presented the derivations to make a Bayesian filter for a standard Gaussian linear dynamical system, and outlined variational Bayesian inference as an extension. I briefly showed some of BIASlab’s research.
5 Nov 2020 15:00 — 16:00
Online system identification in a Duffing oscillator using free energy minimisation
A paper on online system identification, where I cast the nonlinear stochastic differential equation of a Duffing oscillator to a probabilistic graphical model and use variational message passing to infer dynamical parameters of the system.
13 Sep 2020 10:40 — 10:50
Schedule-free variational message passing for Bayesian filtering
Message passing on factor graphs typically relies on a scheduling procedure, in which a central algorithm or compiler figures out
nodes should pass messages
time. This is not a biologically plausible mechanism. I explore the possibility of passing messages without a scheduler, where the nodes merely “react” to incoming messages.
31 Mar 2020 16:00 — 17:00